Rediscovering your 5km
We hope that you and your families have been staying safe and well! We are trying to look on the bright side of continuing to be confined to a 5km radius of our homes and using it as an opportunity to discover and rediscover hidden gems that are right on our doorsteps.
How many of you found places nearby of natural beauty during the last lockdown that you never knew existed before? How many of us normally leave the house in the dark and come home again in the dark at this time of year and miss seeing the daylight at home? We'd love to hear what you have discovered within your 5KM radius!

For me, I've rediscovered the absolutely stunning High Kings Loop in Cashel, which is within 5 kilometers of my home. It is an 8 kilometer loop.
The Route:
You begin at the Kiln Car Park (near the Rock of Cashel on the Holycross Road). Walk from there across the bottom of the rock and out Boithrín Bocht (by Hore Abbey) for about 2 km. Enter at the kissing gate through parkland and wood and exit on to Castlelake road at Ballinamona, back in the Golden Road.

You can use this handy tool to check your 5km radius. Keep the chin up and have fun exploring! Don't forget to share what's in your 5km with us on social media or below in the comments!
In February we are also running an Instagram Photo Challenge with the following prompts.
Be sure to take part by snapping something related to the theme each day within your 5km (or use an old photo) and include the hashtag #ScratchableMapPhotoChallenge. We're looking forward to seeing what's you come up with!